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Featuring the first three letters of Jesus in Greek, as well as a passage from the Gospel of Matthew, the χρι, or the Chi-Rho-iota (fol. 34r) is probably the most famous illumination in The Book of Kells. Other than the lavish design of these three…

This altarpiece painting of Edward I was made around the year 1300, which was around the time of the Scottish Wars for Independence, which is the historical setting of Braveheart. Edward I of England fought Scottish rebels at the end of the…

This monstrance was made in sixteenth-century in Spain, which is the same country where the Jesuits priests are from in The Mission. As seen in the film, a monstrance is used to carry the Eucharist in a procession. This monstrance is made of opaque…

This processional cross was made in Aragon, Spain in c. 1450 and is of silver, enamel, and walnut. This is a processional, rather than an altar, cross. Different types of crosses, such as this one, are used in The Mission for processions throughout…

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This is a picture of Dover Castle. King Henry II started its construction in 1180 and it still stands today. Henry spent a large sum of money building and furnishing the castle. Its grandness exemplifies the lavish life that the king liked to live.…

This excerpt is from the Irish epic The Destruction of Da Derga's Hostel, from one of eight manuscripts produced around 1100 and translated by Dr. Whitley Stokes. It is one of the oldest Irish sagas we have today (Halsall). The author is unknown.…

Eilean Donan Castle, one of the main inspirations for castle DunBroch in Brave, was fortified early in the thirteenth century to defend the island against Viking invasions. The castle was destroyed and rebuilt several times throughout the centuries,…

In this excerpt from Le Cantar del Mio Cid, the battle that occurred while Rodrigo Díaz was on route to his own wedding ceremony in Valencia is described here, and the poem also illustrates Rodrigo’s actions during the battle. The poet highlights his…

Rodrigo Díaz is depicted marching into the city of Valencia in 1094 after overthrowing, and executing, former Almoravid allies. In the years during his exile, thousands of other exiled Spaniards and Moors came to Rodrigo Díaz, requesting him to lead…

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In this page taken from a Book of Hours, there are two Franciscan friars. The first friar kneels before James of the Marches, an Italian friar and Inquisitor. The second tonsured friar, James of the Marches, holds a reliquary containing the blood of…
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